Iskandia Energy Operating (IEO) is
the Texas registered operating
company that buys mature Oil &
Gas assets and improves production
using clean technology
Founded and driven by the principles of positive environmental impact, sustainability, transparency, and diversity, IEO’s team has a strong track record of understanding where and how to implement environmentally-friendly Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technologies on mature oil fields to increase production and deliver value to investors. IEO fully manages its processes and activities directly to ensure increased efficiencies and the highest environmental controls.
According to MJ Hudson’s assessment regarding investors’ view on classification of energy investments, IEO is placed in the same category as renewable energy:
- IEO prevents an imbalance in the ecosystem, by not using freshwater and instead, recycling salt water into the formation
- IEO has a zero venting and zero flaring policy for its production, which is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions
- IEO extends the life of existing vertical wells and opens shut-in wells, avoiding as far as possible new drilling – resulting in a very low carbon footprint compared to industry standards

Explore Our
Clean Techs
- Precision Logging
- Smart Field
- Combining Clean Technologies
- Nano Particle Treatment
- Non-Chemical Well Stimulation
- Maintenance Clean Tech
- Toxic Chemical Replacement
IEO is currently operating in the Permian and East Texas basins and, backed by institutional investors, pursues acquisitions with a focus on rate of return, cash flow, and with the flexibility and expertise to transact quickly and consider innovative deal structures that address sellers’ needs.
Through strong relationships with major oil companies and analytical based outreach, IEO owns a robust acquisition pipeline and has a strong balance sheet with cash availability and no debt or leverage.
Stéphane Lamoine, Beam Earth CEO in IEO´s fields in Midland, Texas
IEO Success Story in Numbers

Use of highly selective and precision logging tools limits production of water and focuses production on oil, as well as identifying productive zones that less advanced tools typically missed.
Field tested in a wide range of environments and consistently delivers significant economic results.
Identifies high-water saturation zones.
Perforated zones without flow may be stimulated and become additional pay zones.

Use of remote monitoring technology, such as Smart Field, allows real-time transfer of data from the well pads to the control station and improves over-all efficiency of operations. Live surveillance for tank levels and well pressures in SWD facilities are key in IEO ́s operations. Our biggest disposal wells are currently monitored with a setup based on the specifics of each facility to allow quick response and prevention of spills due to mechanical failures.

Combining clean technologies in the field generates beneficial non-linear cross-effects. For example, the effect of a particular Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technology has been shown to be multiplied by further Acid Replacement (substitution of acid, harmless for crew, equipment and environment) deployment in certain formations, especially carbonates.

Use of highly selective and precision logging tools limits production of water and focuses production on oil, as well as identifying productive zones that less advanced tools typically missed.
Field tested in a wide range of environments and consistently delivers significant economic results.
Identifies high-water saturation zones.
Perforated zones without flow may be stimulated and become additional pay zones.

Use of remote monitoring technology, such as Smart Field, allows real-time transfer of data from the well pads to the control station and improves over-all efficiency of operations. Live surveillance for tank levels and well pressures in SWD facilities are key in IEO ́s operations. Our biggest disposal wells are currently monitored with a setup based on the specifics of each facility to allow quick response and prevention of spills due to mechanical failures.

Combining clean technologies in the field generates beneficial non-linear cross-effects. For example, the effect of a particular Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technology has been shown to be multiplied by further Acid Replacement (substitution of acid, harmless for crew, equipment and environment) deployment in certain formations, especially carbonates.

We treat paraffin, asphaltenes, scale deposits and salt crystals in mature wells with biodegradable nanoscale colloidal solutions that are 100% safe, non-corrosive, non-hazardous, non-toxic, non-flammable which results in successful removal of deposited obstructions from the production facilities and maintains a consistently high level of production.
These environment friendly chemicals also improve oil quality, bringing a premium: oil produced is eligible for agri-farming and pharmaceutical industry.

Non-chemical stimulation technologies generate highly economic production increase with little or no environmental footprint.
These technologies clean out blockages and restore production in a clean and safe way without chemicals and no water.
Can be used independently or in combination with other clean technologies.
Sustained and long-lasting effect in production and permeability increase and efficient reduction of operational costs.

Eco-friendly and economical maintenance and remediation technologies are used in our wells to solve issues such as water separation in gas wells or paraffin buildup while increasing production.
Eco-friendly soaps specially formulated as foamers, for example, avoid the use of highly toxic chemicals such as acids. Finding the right eco-friendly soap for a well needs a deep understanding of water chemistry.

We replace traditional, environment-unfriendly techniques such as massive hot water use, highly toxic xylene/BTEX or acids with 100% biodegradable, non-corrosive, non-fuming techs that carry zero hazard rating. This techniques, such as special water circulation treatments and microbe treatments, can remove paraffin, improve efficiency and decrease maintenance costs.
No risk to staff and the environment as compared to HCL stimulations.
Statistical Performance Measurement:
An internal accounting process that tags all invoices per workover and well, and enables efficient resources management and strict Purchase Order (PO) process and Low Lease Operating Expenses (LOEs)

Statistical Performance Measurement:
An internal accounting process that tags all invoices per workover and well, and enables efficient resources management and strict Purchase Order (PO) process and Low Lease Operating Expenses (LOEs)
Accounting & Finance
At the core of any successful company, is a strong accounting & finance team. Efficient management of financial operations is the backbone supporting not only daily operations, but also long-term business goals.
The IEO accounting team strives to be a valuable strategic business partner with stakeholders of business lines. We integrate our expertise across departments for better business decision making.
Accounting & Finance
At the core of any successful company, is a strong accounting & finance team. Efficient management of financial operations is the backbone supporting not only daily operations, but also long-term business goals.
The IEO accounting team strives to be a valuable strategic business partner with stakeholders of business lines. We integrate our expertise across departments for better business decision making.

At IEO we look to understand the needs of each particular case.
Please provide all necessary information:
- Full owner name and address
- Owner number, if applicable
- The names of the wells where you hold interest
- Fill out the W9 form, a request for taxpayer identification number and certification
Please note this document must have your signature to be valid
- Fill out the ACH authorization form with your banking information
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