SLU Podcast
Where Capital & Innovation
Meet the Permian Basin
Hosted by Tim Pawul
“An Overview of the SLU Marketplace”
with the SLU Enterprise Team
As a preview to the 9 episodes featuring the SLU Enterprise team members, we have put together a “mashup episode” takes clips from each episode in order to showcase the different skillsets, experiences, and structures that are being leveraged by the SLU Enterprise team in order to execute the SLU Marketplace concept.
Hosted by Tim Pawul
“An Overview of the SLU Marketplace”
with the SLU Enterprise Team
As a preview to the 9 episodes featuring the SLU Enterprise team members, we have put together a “mashup episode” takes clips from each episode in order to showcase the different skillsets, experiences, and structures that are being leveraged by the SLU Enterprise team in order to execute the SLU Marketplace concept.
Conversation with
Stéphane Lamoine
Stéphane joins us to walk through the evolution of the SLU Marketplace model and how he has strategically built a world class team of individuals from finance,trading, geoscience, land, and operations who have the skill sets and experience needed to execute the SLU Marketplace concept.
Conversation with
Mikael Bonalumi
Co-Founder, Director of Trading
Mikael joins us to walk through his 30+ years of experience in trading, including his involvement in the formation of ICE and how he is helping execute the trading aspects of the SLU Marketplace.
Conversation with
Joe Quoyeser
CEO of University of Lands
Joe joins us to walk through his recent experience with building the Permian Strategic Partnership and how the SLU Team is looking to execute a similar collaborative effort amongst E&Ps in order to help launch the SLU Marketplace and unlock capital for future development in the Permian Basin.
Conversation with
Adam Farris
Chief Operating Officer
Adam joins us to discuss the technical aspects of the SLU Marketplace and the key value drivers that will incentivize E&Ps to contribute SLUs & participate in the market.
Conversation with
Georgina Rivera
Director ESG
Georgina joins us to explain how a green label application to the SLU Marketplace will help unlock ESG capital for E&P companies in the Permian Basin.
Conversation with
Eric Unverzagt
Director of Business Development – Land
Eric joins us to discuss the land related aspects of the SLU Marketplace from both the WI and Minerals owner perspective.